Hear the Band

Julia in Running Shoes

Kurt Henry Parlour Band — Softer is Sexier!

Experience as a sound tech and a musician has taught me that folks who book live music can be more concerned with the volume of the music and the amount of space needed than many other factors.

The Band

Alan Groth: bass
Cheryl Lambert: harmonica, vocals, percussion
Eric Parker: drums, album production

Hear the Band

Julia in Running Shoes

I've learned that many of the fine venues that book my band really love our soft volume – it's often the first compliment we hear. So the low-down about the “parlour band” is that it's a soft shout-out to say, we've got it down, down, down low. The credit for our ability to play softer than many all-acoustic bands goes mostly to our tasty drummer, Eric Parker, who can find as much dynamic range in a chopstick or brush as he can with a wood splitting axe. Alan (bass) and I have low-powered amps for this purpose.

A lot of this is also about a little less of something else: sound gear. Our clear, pleasant sound reinforcement comes in a small size. Low volume, clean and compact appearance, and warm sound. If this is an issue for you please give us a soft shout. As they say, softer is... tastier!